With the holiday season upon us, it is easy to get stressed out with the planning and preparation of having a great Thanksgiving dinner. The stress increases when you throw into the mix having family over. This article is to help plan your event in a way that makes it simple and enjoyable for all. After all, holidays are meant to spend and enjoy with your family and loved ones, not worry about all the little details.
- Tip # 1- Plan your meal!
In order to thoroughly enjoy your meal, is to plan it out ahead of time. A meal of this size and complexity cannot simply just be thrown together. Take the time to make a menu of all the things that you plan to make and serve to your family. Consideration should also be given to anyone who you may have coming who could have special dietary needs, such as gluten allergies or a diabetic. If you are planning on trying out something new as well, such as a new side, or a different way to make the turkey, give it a trial run first. This will eliminate the worry of something not turning out as planned.
- Tip # 2 – Shopping for all the ingredients and supplies
After you make your menu, you will need to make a list to take to the store to get all the supplies needed to make the food that you have planned. First check to see what supplies you already have, and if you will have enough of them to make what you are wanting and the amount you plan on making. It is also helpful to make two lists, one of supplies that you can buy ahead of time, and one of things that you will need to wait until right before the day, whether it is because it doesn’t have a long shelf like, or you don’t have the space for the ingredient.
- Tip # 3 – Prep ahead of time
There are certain foods and sides that have a shelf life of a few days. These things can be made a few days prior, in order to help free up some time the day of for some of your larger projects. This will also free up stove and oven space, since it is highly forgotten to consider this fact the day of when you realize you need more burners or racks than you have available. Also make sure that you have enough pans and pots for everything that you plan on making, and enough bowls and containers to serve and store the food in.
- Tip # 4 – Ask for help!
Don’t be afraid to ask your spouse, children, or relatives to help with the prepping and the cooking! Chances are, they will want to! It also comes in handy when there is something that you have never made before. They may be able to offer advice on how to make that dish the best it can be. If asking for help to prep food because of amounts and time, be sure to ask someone with some cooking experience so that you aren’t worried about it not being done properly.
- Tip # 5- Enjoy your company!
This is the whole reason that you are going through this process! Spending time with and enjoying your family members is the entire reason behind this holiday. Don’t be so worried about the kitchen after the meal has been served, spend time visiting with your loved ones! Don’t stress about being the perfect hostess, chances are your family would rather have some quality time spent with you than having you wait on them hand and foot.
This list of tips should help alleviate some of the stress of trying to make this a memorable even spent with those you love, and also don’t forget to Download Pro Holiday Planner on your iPhone/iPad it will definitely help you with the heavy lifting. 🙂
Just remember to smile and enjoy yourself through every step of preparing for the day. It’s not an easy task hosting a dinner of this size, that’s no doubt. But it’s what you can do to make this day easier on yourself! Share these tips with friends and family so all can have a great memorable Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!