If you are just starting out on the event planning industry, there are several tips you may want to capitalize on to in order to get started with your first projects and build a great career. Although you can expect some competition in the area, if you’re well organized and pay close attention to the needs of your client, you’ll quickly build an excellent reputation.
Here are 8 tips to help get you where you want to be.
1. Connect and build empathy with your client
Let your unique character and personality shine as plan the event with your client. When you make the process fun for your clients, they’re certain to give you a high quality recommendation in the future.
2. Become an expert in different types of events
Events range from enormous weddings to small dinner parties, and certain months out of the year have an impact on event planning as well, such as graduation events. It’s important that you research the current trends and activities that are popular with your particular client, this way you can bring focused entertainment to the event.
3. Communicate, communicate, communicate
Always communicate effectively with your client, and keep them well-informed and up to date. Make sure that you pay close attention to your client’s requests, and that you do everything to meet their individual needs. This will keep them coming back, and they will also recommend you to others. Word of mouth is the strongest form of advertising.
4. Get References
Stay in connection with previous clients that were pleased with their event. Ask their permission to use them as a reference, this will allow you to provide future clients confidence in hiring your services.
5. Build your portfolio proactively
Ask permission to photograph the events that you plan; this will allow you to show future clients what you’re capable of. This technique often leads to clients hiring you on the spot.
6. Manage the budget effectively
Overall design and cost of the event are critical points to pay attention to. Always make sure that you stay within you customers budget; if you pull off an extraordinary event and stay within budget, your certain to receive more work in the future.
7. Build a strong supplier network
Provide your client with the best supplies available. You should set up connections with a variety of suppliers so that you can meet the individual needs of your client. Remember that your suppliers are a reflection on you, so make sure that you use only the best.
8. Stay Organized
Acquire a tool that helps you be more productive and efficient, such as Pro Party Planner which has helped thousands of party planners organize all types of events successfully.
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Hi Bruce,
Thanks for reaching us out. Here is the link to our twitter page https://twitter.com/propartyplanner
We hope you are enjoying Pro Party Planner.
Looking forward to connect with you. 🙂
Zysco Apps Team